When a buried plumbing line on your property starts to leak, it can represent a challenging plumbing issue to repair. In order to make sure that you are responding to this problem in an effective manner, it is important to keep several facts in mind about the issues and repair options for this particular plumbing issue. 

A Leaking Water Main Can Cause Extensive Damage And Expensive Costs

There are instances where a homeowner may assume that it is not worth the hassle to have minor water leaks repaired. However, this can be a costly decision to make. Over time, the water leak will be capable of causing substantial expenses for the homeowner. For example, the homeowner's water bills may dramatically increase. Furthermore, the steady stream of water into the soil can contribute to substantial erosion occurring. This could prove to be very costly to repair as it may negatively impact your landscaping while also destabilizing the soil in the vicinity.

Detecting The Location Of The Water Leak Can Be More Difficult Than You Might Assume

Individuals may overestimate the ease of finding the source of water line leaks. More precisely, they may assume that they will always be able to notice a large puddle of standing water near the source of the leak. Yet, this may only be the case in especially severe instances of leaks. When the source of the leak is smaller, it may not be able to create visible indications on the surface as to where the leak is located. In these situations, finding the specific source of the leak may require professional equipment that is capable of sensing elevated levels of moisture in the soil. These sensors can be deployed along the length of the buried water line, which can help to determine the location of any potential leaks that may have developed.

Effective Detection Can Limit The Amount Of Excavation That Will Be Needed

When a homeowner realizes that their water line has developed a leak, they may envision that much of their landscaping is ruined due to the excavation work that will be required. However, effective water leak detection can help to limit the amount of excavation that will be required. To excavate this area of the property, hydrovac services can provide extremely precise results, which can further reduce the impacts on the surrounding landscaping. By using these options, you can greatly reduce the amount of rehabilitation that your landscaping will need following these repairs.

Contact a local plumber to learn more about water leak detection services. 
