Beyond low hanging fruit like replacing your lightbulbs with CFLs or LEDs, insulation is the juicy fruit on the next branches up the energy efficiency tree.  Most people consider it to be just out of their reach, but it doesn't need to be!  With a simple a step ladder, you'll soon find how indispensable this efficiency upgrade really is for your own comfort, home heating and cooling budget, and environmental impact.

Why Insulate?  Insulation will keep you warmer in the winter months and cooler during the summer.  In turn, it will cost less to cool down your house in the summer and heat it up in the winter.  Additional steps can further increase your savings.  Planting evergreen trees on the northwest corner of the house can reduce the impact of harsh winter winds.  Conversely, planting large deciduous trees on the south side of your home can shade you from intense solar rays using the summer months.  Protect yourself and your wallet from the fluctuations of the elements by making smart choices like insulation and tree plantings.

Select Your Insulation Material  There are 5 common types of insulation material to choose from but it doesn't need to be overwhelming.  You can find simple charts online that map out the differences between fiberglass, mineral wool, cellulose, polyurethane foam, and polystyrene.  You'll want to consider the price, R value (how well it insulates), whether or not it is environmentally friendly and if its flammable.  Some materials like cellulose are flammable but can be treated with a flame retardant to minimize the risk of damage in the event of a fire.  There are other considerations too.  Do you need insulation that will also help soundproof a room?  Are you susceptible to flooding and need insulation that won't absorb water?  Are you interested in using recycled materials to insulate?

Contact Insulation Service Professionals Near You  Insulation installation is not a recommended DIY project.  You need experienced professionals who will do the job right and safely. They have the necessary equipment to get the job done in a timely manner.  Call today for an estimate!

Enjoy the Benefits of Your New Insulation  You can expect reductions in both your annual carbon footprint and heating and cooling expenses.  These really add up over the lifetime of your structure!  

For more help with insulation and how it can benefit you, get in touch with a local insulation company.
